Yes, there's a flash flood warning over on Hamlet Dr. these days! Looking back, I forgot to register for something.....a life-time supply of Kleenex!
The morning of July 9, 2010 was the day the tears started falling. I was just about to leave for my 3rd day of summer school and for some crazy reason I decided to give the good old stick test a try. I stood there...waited the required 3 mins.....and watched as 2 little pink lines appeared right before my (teary) eyes. In total shock, I called Evan at work to tell him. No, I did not come up with some cute, creative way to break the news to him like writing a poem or wrapping up a cute little onesie. I called and told him through my tears that I was staring at a positive pregnancy test. Then....I called my mom and cried on the phone to her....and we cried together. I drove to work that morning...crying the whole way. From that day on, crying became my new norm. ( and for anyone who really knows me....when has crying ever NOT been my norm? :)
I wasn't totally naive to the fact that crying was a natural, hormonal change (one of which) I was going to experience over the 9 months of pregnancy. What I wasn't prepared for? ....The amount of tears that would fall...and some for no reason that I could come up with. Now, in the beginning it was clear why I was crying.......fear of the unknown, the reality of a life-changing experience, fear of delivery, etc. I cried at work, at home, on the name it! But these days if you ask why I'm crying, you'll likely get an "I don't know anymore..." response!
As I was nearing my due date I was determined (or trying to be determined) not to cry in the hospital. I wanted to be strong and conquer my crying fits! Yeah...that didn't happen. At one point I was crying so much I think Evan wanted to go sit with someone else's wife just to get a break! LOL And then, in good old Robin fashion, I began apologizing to the nurses and my doctor for crying, throwing up, you name it...I was so doped up, that in the recovery room, I was telling my nurse that I was holding on to someone when I got so sick on the table and that I felt so bad. Turns out...she was the one I was holding on to! LOL So I cried then too....out of embarassment. The one thing no one told me, was that after delivery hormone levels plummet...again. And so begins...more crying.
Needless to say, when I got home I was entirely overwhelmed. For those of you waiting to give birth, be warned...the crying actually gets worse after delivery! My poor mom needs to start billing me for all the hours of consoling she's provided. Not to mention my poor husband! If you see him out and about you'll probably notice the new Weber trademark on his left shoulder....Landon spit-up. And on his right pool of tears. While I'm sure the crying spells will let up eventually, I also expect that this is also part of being a new mom who just wants to do right. I cry because I worry, because I'm overwhelmed by this new responsibility, because I'm so happy and blessed to have such a beautiful new family and mostly these days because every time I look at and hold Landon, I'm reminded that I created that miracle with my very best friend who I've shared half my life with. My mom shared this quote with me....."Having a child is like having your heart walk outside of your body." Well if that doesn't make ya cry just reading it!!! Those are the tears I don't mind shedding. But be warned....if you plan to come visit, bring your'll need them to help wade through all my tears. :)